Sunday, October 3, 2010

Project 2

InspirationS.  Descriptions after the page break.  After the Fantasia double post, how could I stop at one?

These are both title sequences COINCIDENTALLY starring Robert Downey Jr.  Both are produced by Prologue, more specifically the self-taught god, Danny Yount.  (I early posted a Prologue demo reel that was mind blowing, featuring more of Mr. Yount's prowess.)

I BELIEVE these were both at least assembled in After Effects.  Sherlock Holmes was released in 2009 and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was released in 2005.  (Again, both by Prologue.)  The Sherlock sequence (actually the end title) illustrations are actually hand drawn illustrations that were then scanned into Photoshop and textured.  The producer decided that they wanted a short opening credits and a longer end credit depicting scenes from the movie.  The idea of the illustration parts came from the original idea to do a longer opening credit explaining the history between Watson and Holmes using period-authentic newspaper headlines and pictures (which in that time were wood block prints).

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang has a lot of the same layered texture feel.  However, the lines tend to be sharp and clean.  I would guess that most of the images for this sequence were done in Illustrator.  Textures are probably imported in from photoshop and layered in After Effects.  The people look like they were animated using the push-pin puppet tool.  The overall effect of this sequence is very dark and retro which captures the feeling of the film.  (I really recommend it.)  It recreated the feeling of a 50's mystery novel, which is one of the recurring props throughout the actual movie. 

1 comment:

  1. REALLY nice choices. Totally do-able with the tools in After Effects, if you so choose.
